BAH, BEd, MA, PhD.
Curriculum Vitae
Professional ​
I am currently an Assistant Teaching Professor in Curriculum & Instruction, Faculty of Education at the University of Victoria. I also teach in the Educational Psychology and Leadership department and act as a Practicum Advisor for Teacher Education at the University of Victoria. I am currently a member of the Faculty of Graduate studies and advise students in Educational studies. I am a co-chair on the Curriculum & Instruction departmental Decolonization, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee. I am also a member of the Teacher Education Renewal Committee in the Faculty of Education. I have recently joined the Graduate Advisory Committee. I enjoy teaching in-person and online, and have experience teaching International students.
I successfully defended my doctoral dissertation at the beginning of the pandemic. Since then, I have been teaching full time, shoring up our family business (a nature playschool) against the Covid storm, and supporting my children at home. At the same time, my researcher-mind has not turned off. I have many opportunities to explore my current research questions surrounding learning nonviolent communication and understanding its connection to democracy, specifically for educators. I have been doing some deep reading on this topic. I have also transformed the ways in which I teach nonviolent communication to educators in my courses and in my community work.
To continue my passion of working with & learning from educators in a compassionate and academic environment.
To research and tell stories of leadership, teaching, and learning in a way that supports anti-oppression, Indigenization, and queering research, knowledge, and praxis.
Recent Professional Experience
Assistant Teaching Professor, University of Victoria
​Summer 2022 - Present
​This role involves developing syllabi and instructing courses for both undergraduate and graduate students in Curriculum & Instruction. I am an active member of two committees; the Decolonization, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee for the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, and the Teacher Education Program Renewal Committee. I supervise and co-supervise MA students and serve on committees for other graduate students. I am also engaged in current research.
Term Faculty, Camosun College
Winter 2021 - Spring 2022
​In the Department of Community Family Child Studies, in the Early Learning & Care program, instructed an online cohort in Health & Wellness for ELC, in-person course on Families and Communities, and both first-year and second-year cohorts in their practicums for their Early Childhood Education certificate. This role includes online and in-person workshops and visits. I also develop online course using D2L/Brightspace. The nature of Camosun is very collaborative; meetings, committees, and team-teaching are required.
Sessional Instructor, University of Victoria
​Fall 2015 - Fall 2021
​Develop syllabi and instruct courses for both undergraduate and graduate departments of Curriculum & Instruction and Educational Psychology & Leadership Development. Specializing in connecting theory to practice, teaching philosophy of education, Transformative Inquiry, inquiry-based education, social justice education, decolonizing education and research, and narrative inquiry in leadership. I have taught: EDCI 303, EDCI 404, EDCI 431, EDCI 490, EDCI 787, EDCI 531, EDCI 581, and ED-D 591E.
Practicum Advisor (Supervisor), University of Victoria
Spring 2017 - Fall 2024
​Guided teacher candidates and their mentor teachers through in-school practicums in elementary, middle, and high schools. Observed instructional time, offered ongoing feedback (in person and written), and worked closely with the team in the Teacher Education Department.
Teaching & Parenting Consultant, Teach to Resist
Winter 2018 - Summer 2022
I host online workshops on teaching and parenting, consult on self-regulation in the classroom, and teach Nonviolent Communication. I have been invited to speak at both public and private schools and community events, such as the Vancouver Island Parenting Conference.
Outdoor Education Program Coordinator, Y of Vancouver Island
Summer 2007 - Fall 2013
Organized curriculum-based programming for an outdoor education program that hosted 4000 students a year. Liaised with teachers, principals, parents, and other stakeholders, trained staff and led a team of 60 educators to facilitate programs and operate the site.
I am practiced in teaching with an anti-oppressive approach that considers the needs and stress of students.
I am a versatile teacher with experience in philosophy, inquiry-based models, and Indigenous ways of knowing and teaching.
I am a practiced researcher and proven writer; I am accessible and engaging, and I am interested in the 'everydayness' of leadership & education.
Research Interests
Historical & Philosophical Foundations
Morality & Values-Based Education
Inquiry-Based Education
Teacher Education and Transformation
Leadership Development
Self-Regulation in Classroom Teaching
‘Progressive’ Education and Democracy
Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Education and Teaching
Decolonizing Education and Teaching
Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Learning, and Teaching
Storytelling and Narrative Approaches
Teaching Politically, Controversy in the Classroom
Dismantling ‘Classroom Management’
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Victoria
June 2020
My dissertation was a blend of autoethnography, qualitative, and quantitative methods that explored the use of self-regulation in mainstream classroom teaching. I employed storytelling, explored Indigenous ways of knowing and learning, and examined Western philosophical roots of teaching and 'managing' classrooms.
Master of Arts, University of Victoria
November 2015
My thesis explored moral education and classroom management approaches. My work was accepted without revisions, received the status of ‘Exceptional,’ and was nominated for the Lieutenant Governor’s Silver Medal in 2016.
Bachelor of Education, Queen’s University
I am currently a certified teacher in British Columbia.
Bachelor of Arts, Honours, Trent University
I majored in English and Women’s Studies.
Teaching Certificate
Professional Certificate of Qualification, British Columbia Teacher Regulation Branch (L215497)